What is zero moment of truth (ZMOT)? A change in your buyer behavior.

Zero Moment of Truth? What is that you ask? It is the moment when your customer becomes interested, inspired or needs the product or service you offer. This is the moment when YOU can influence your customers purchase decision.

Where does ZMOT occur and what happens next?

In today’s mobile world, this could occur anywhere. It could be at work, or at home, at the shelf, or it could occur when the your potential customer is on her way to the park.

What your customer does next, has changed from what she did in the past. This is the new step in your consumer’s decision journey.

You customer now has access to multitude of information sources at her fingertips. An average customer uses about 10 sources to find our information about products or services before a purchase decision is made.

This point,when your customer is searching for additional information about your product (or your service), reading reviews, discussing your product with peers is the Zero Moment of Truth. This is where you can have the highest impact on her purchase decision.

According a Google/Shopper Sciences study, during ZMOT, most did one or many of the following:

  • Searched online with a search engines
  • Talked with friends/family about the product
  • Comparison shopped products online
  • Sought information from a brand website
  • Read product reviews online
  • Sought information from a retailer website
  • Read comments following an article online
  • Became a friend/follower/liked a brand
Is your product (or service) there to be found when your customer is looking for it? 

Most traditional marketers have known that the consumer decision journey has changed. What’s been missing is clear understanding of the importance of integrated marketing strategies and content marketing strategies to be there when the traditional marketing stimulus creates an interest in your customer’s mind. I feel ZMOT makes that point clearly.

More about ZMOT:


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